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The TPC Crew


Our sales team

sales (2)
Grant Stuart, Erik Mitchell, Justin Shadel, Nick Polk, Joe Schmitz not shown: Todd Linton, Austin Linton, Jeremy Turley, and Bill Welty


Where it all started

founders greg kollmeyer (gk) and jeff hunter (jh)
Greg Kollmeyer (GK) and Jeff Hunter

Customer Support

customer support (4)
Michelle Spencer, Kim Powers, Abbey Higgins, Cynthia Flanders, Ellen Eddie, Claudine Vance, Ashley Philips, Stephanie Stevens, Rachel Lehman, Brandy Walsh Not shown: Melissa Ritter and Meredith King

Operations & Admin

sales operations, tax and admin (3)
Ben Jersak, Mary Romans, Brianna Reichert, Rachel Harvey, Pam Payne, Keely Milliron, Stefanie Crotts, Tina Alsup, Carolyn Chase, Denice Melton Not shown: Tabatha Whaley, Sandy Ellingsworth

HR Advisory team

vision team (hr advisory) (3)
From bottom left to top right: Kylee Miller, Crystal Tavares, Kayla Thomas, Molly Wild, Angelique O'Bryan, Marlaina Markwart

Implementation & Training

implementation and training (3)
implementation and training 2nd photo preferred
From left to right: Lindsey Gaylor, Sheila Strickland, Lupe Cardenas Not Shown: Amy Bess, Brandi Craft