Human Resources solution
employee benefits with the Pay role company

Time & Attendance

Your employees will appreciate the ease and convenience of TPC’s Time & Attendance platform. It’s a one-stop shop to:

  • Enter Time
  • View Schedules
  • Submit Time-off Requests
  • Update Personal Information

Every service we offer is tailored to fit the needs of your business – and your workforce. Employees need to clock-in at a jobsite? No problem when your team’s using our Mobile Punch app directly from their smartphones. Concerned about security? Not if your employees are clocking-in on one of our biometric time clocks. Tired of that ugly timeclock in the breakroom? Have your staff clock-in directly from their desktops with a web-based, virtual clock.

Whether you’re checking accruals balances or approving a time-off request, our Time & Attendance services are built to keep your focus where it matters most: on your customers.


Your most important resource is your workforce.

As an employer, you also know it’s your biggest investment. Time & Attendance data is a crucial component in helping you see which departments and team members are being utilized to their full potential, and where improvements can be made. At TPC, we help you maintain these reports so you can make decisions that enable you to maximize efficiency across the board.
Labor can take up as much as 70% of your total business costs.

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